Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cricket crushing dreams

We have a cricket that has set up his home outside our bedroom window.
I want to crush him.
I never hear him during the day. Then again, I am rarely in my bed during the day. At is a different story. I sleep in my bed. The window is at the head of our bed. Normally, I don't actually mind crickets, well, their sound anyways. I don't really like any bug to be near me. At this point in my life, though, I hate the cricket sound.
I have been having trouble sleeping. For the past month I have been getting these mild enough, yet annoying, tension headaches. They mostly come at night either before I fall asleep, in the middle of the night, or when I wake up...sometimes a combo of all three. I also have to use the bathroom multiple times during the night. This is just who I am. I have a tilted uterus and it rests on my bladder, so it can't fill up as much as I wish. I have always had to pee often. I should list it under my hobbies: peeing (in a toilet of course) because I do it all the time. Pregnancy did not help.
So last night I am having trouble falling asleep because of my headache. I had taken Tylenol and was waiting for it to start taking effect when I can hear Mr. Cricket start his chirping.
Chirp chirp chirp. I try to block it out by praying. Chirp chirp chirp. Soon I begin praying for an animal to come along and eat him.
I realize after about ten minutes that it is silent. I breath a sigh of relief, thinking maybe he really has been eaten, or is just out wandering somewhere else. My mind starts to slowly drift toward dream land....chirp chirp chirp. My eyes fly open. That demon.
Now I have to pee.
I settle myself back into bed and for the next hour wrestle with sleep, a headache, and a sing-song cricket. Finally sleep comes.
Until midnight. I realize I have to pee, although the headache is gone. When I crawl back into bed, all is quiet. As I close my eyes I hear chirp.....chirp chirp.....chirp. Does he have sensors or something? Does he know when I am trying to fall asleep? Does he know how much I loathe him and thinks the same of me?
After a half hour I fall back asleep.
Needless to say the routine repeats itself around 3:30. The horrible thing is that this time I can't fall asleep for almost two hours! If I wasn't so scared of being outside in the dark I would take a flashlight and hunt him down. I would squash him and put an end to all his chirping.
But I am scared of the outdoors at night.
And I don't know where our flashlight is anyways.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to kill a cricket?
I just want a decent night of sleep again.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh, Andrea...I'm sorry, but this is too funny. You had me laughing out loud.
My #1 recommendation on how to kill a cricket: Make your husband do it. :)