I heard a quote once that stuck with me, although I am not aware who stated it. "Jealousy is resenting God's blessing in someone else's life and ignoring His blessing in your own." Ouch. I often reflect back on this statement as I feel the green envy creeping into my heart.
I was talking to a friend today who said she was jealous of her sister. She started telling me about how her sister has money, Pottery Barn furniture, and is planning a gorgeous wedding. My friend was married four and a half years ago in not the most lavish ceremony and reception, but one that was full of love. She went on about other things she was jealous of that her sister possessed. I finally stopped her and quoted the statement I shared previously. She was silent. "I have to write that down," she said. After slowly repeating it for her so she could write it, I started quietly reflecting on things that I have been jealous of that my friends have.
My husband and I sold our first house that we adored in a city that we loved where we were surrounded by friends we cherished. For what? We are now living in an apartment we like in a town we tolerate surrounded by people we don't know. Yes, I want to look at my friends back home and be jealous of their houses and good fortunes. However, I have started reflecting on my own blessings.
My husband and I might live in an apartment with our 17 month old son, but we have no mortgage. We used the profit from our house to pay off student loans, so we have no debt. We have vehicles that are paid for, clothes to wear, food to eat, and a roof over our heads. My husband has a job that pays well, and more important, that he enjoys more than any other job he has had. It is not just a career to him, but a passion. How many people can say that their hobby has become a way to make money? I have the opportunity to stay home and care for my toddler, which is something many working mothers would kill for.
Attitude is everything. When we wake up in the morning, we can make or break our day. We can roll out of the wrong side of the bed or the right one. It's our choice. When your friend starts talking about the new job opportunity her husband has received in which he will be making salary money, driving a company car, and receiving awesome benefits, it's your decision how you will react. Will you tell her you're happy for her and then find an excuse to get off the phone so that you can vent your frustration because they'll be in a better financial position than you? Or will you make the decision to genuinely be happy for her, to rejoice with her in a time where God has sent blessing upon them? After you've finished your phone call you can pause, reflect on the blessings in your life, and be thankful for them.
Shine a light where jealousy lurks. Make the decision to have a grateful attitude. In the end it can save relationships, prevent stress, and bring geniune joy.
1 comment:
i loved this one. you should publish a book with all your encouraging blogs in it. it could be a devotional!
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