My dear Eleanor Lee,
I cannot believe you are two years old today! Time goes much faster the second time around. You are such an adventure added to our lives.
What a year we have had, Ellie. Recently, you were transitioned from the baby/youngest of the family to the middle child. You have not had the jealousy issues we prepared ourselves for, but you are definitely looking for some extra snuggles and hugs and a reminder that you are still loved and important and noticed. You try to be very helpful with Caleb...a little too helpful and loving at times, but I appreciate your heart's intent.
We refer to you as "the tornado" at times. You are so full of energy and personality that you are like a whirlwind through our house. You are absolutely hilarious and I have never seen your dad have such a hard time keeping a straight face while trying to discipline. You have definitely given us a new parenting challenge.
You are this interesting combination of girlie and tomboy. Today your birthday outfit consists of a pink zip-up fleece, which reminds me of your sporty side. You love to run, kick balls, throw balls, be outside and even wrestle. Some of it may come from having an older brother and some of it is just you.
You are also wearing a white skirt and glittery sparkly shoes. You do love to dress up. You love bracelets and trying on my necklaces. You watch me intensely when I put make-up on and then try to sneak into my make-up bag when I leave the room.
Your outfit is completed with thick bright pink knit tights covered in multi-colored polka dots, complete with a bear's face on your tush. You're so stinking adorable that I don't know what to do with you at times. The tights finish off your outfit in a way that is so you, so random and yet it all fits together somehow, tying together the sporty and girlie.
You charm everyone you come in contact with. People stop to talk to you at the grocery store. Maybelle, one of the nursery workers, actually calls you "my girl." Daddy will drop you off for nursery, or I'll drop you off during Ladies' Bible Study, and she'll say, "There's my girl, hello Ellie. Come see me." You go right to her like you've known her all your life. And you know what the kicker is for your dad and me? You will fall asleep as she rocks you while you're in the nursery but you haven't done that with us in so long we can't even remember! You also love our friend, Elisabeth. Maybe it's the shared name (her middle name is your first name) or the fact you're both the middle children, daughters sandwiched between brothers, or who knows? I just know there is some kind of attachment to her there because you'll favor her over me when she comes to visit, climbing right up in her lap. I'm not offended, though.
I know that I joke around about how exasperating you are or tiresome or diva-ish. The truth is, Eleanor, I don't know what I would do without you at this point! I cannot imagine a life without your bubbly personality, your sassy little "no" response, your contagious laughter, and your kissable chubby cheeks. Your daddy and I love you so much, and so do Noah and Caleb. We look forward to watching you as you grow up and into the woman God has created you to be.
Much love,
What a cutie!
And two years!
Happy 2nd birthday, Ellie! (A day late - sorry!) I can't believe it's been 2 years already, and I'm sure it's gone even faster for you, Andrea. You are a GREAT mom and a GREAT writer. Enjoy your three littles!
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