We are blessed to have many friends who are photographers, both professional, and those who do it for fun because they have a good eye and a good camera. Our friend,
Jeana, took some family pictures for us on an afternoon this week when we actually had a break from the rain. Here are some of our favorites. Thanks a ton, Jeana!

As any family with young children knows, it's hard to get a picture with everyone looking at the camera. In this picture, Noah demonstrates this point as he was gazing longingly at the playground equipment.

My little peanut.

My big pumpkin.

Mi amor, who has always had an obsession with putting flowers behind my ears. This day I received a leaf.

Honestly, it's weird for me to look at pictures and realize she's my daugher since she looks everything the miniature of her dad but nothing like me. I feel like I look at pictures of the two of us and say, "Oh, right. She's mine."

My two favorite guys.

We had not seen the Nashes in a long time and Noah was so excited to get to play with Emma. They were collecting leaves in this basket Jeana brought along and then both picked it up to carry it over to a different playground. The picture was completely candid - nobody told them what to do. It just turned out to be one of those great moments.
what great pictures andrea! you look so beautiful and happy. thanks for sharing them with "us". i can not believe how big ellie is getting. and all of that fallness surrounding you...wow! how i miss...
Like I said before: you're straight out of a Jane Austen novel - so gorgeous and graceful!
I think I could eat your lil peanut :-) I can't believe how much she's grown!
I agree with Daniella - you ARE straight out of a Jane Austen novel! You look beautiful! Great family pictures! :-)
The pictures are wonderful! I cannot believe how big the kids are getting. Noah looks so chill and Ellie looks like she is ready for some action (with those adorable pig tails).
Your skin looks amazing...what's your secret!
And of course Tim is looking good too.
Carrie - the secret to my skin? Not many people like the answer. I don't use soap or anything on it because it's sensitive. I just wash it with water in the shower. Also, I only wear mascara most of the time so it keeps my face clear of all the stuff in makeup and when I do wear makeup, I wear i.d. Bare Minerals so it's all natural.
That's my secret. =)My theory is: the more crap we put on our faces, the more they break out and then the more people put on them to cover them up and it's a vicious cycle. I know it's not true in all cases - some people have skin issues, but that's what I've found for me. When I use soap or wear other makeup, my face breaks out.
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