Does anyone else remember the phrase "tubular" from the '80s? Or was it early '90s? Oh, well.
I took Eleanor in to see the ENT specialist yesterday. She has so much fluid behind her ear drums that they (the ear drums) barely move. Her hearing is perfect, however. She passed that test with flying colors. The specialist kept telling me it's a problem with "her plumbing" of the ears. She has enlarged tonsils and adenoids and so nothing is able to drain out properly from what it sounds like. It explains why she's a mouth breather and a snorer. There is a large possibility the tonsils and/or adenoids will have to come out in the next couple years.
The solution: She is having surgery to put tubes in her ears on Friday morning. I understand that this is the fastest and most common surgical procedure and that I know at the very least five kids that have, or have had, tubes.
Yet I am still nervous. She's nine months old and they have to put her under anesthesia. I'm a wreck, quite honestly, when I think about it. What mom wouldn't be? I didn't go under anesthesia for the first time until I was almost 23 years old and it was a gas mask for my wisdom teeth. The only other time was when I had my D&C after my miscarriage and that was through an IV and then I was almost 24.
But nine months? I need prayer, people. Please pray for Eleanor - that she will be safe and that this will help her. Also pray for me (and Tim), that our nerves will be calmed and that we will continue to place our child in God's hands and trust Him with every moment.
Noah will be going to my parents' house tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon and will be spending the night. We already had plans to go there this weekend for a baby shower that I'm attending and so he'll just get a longer stay. I know this will be good for him because it has been a long time since he has had one-on-one time with my parents and they have missed each other.
I will give an update on Friday to let you know how she's doing! Oh, and on a side note - her first tooth appeared! Tim was the first to feel it Saturday night when she grabbed his finger and bit down on it. It explains the rough nights she has been having recently.
oh andrea, we will pray for her. and you guys. I got butterflys in my stomach when i read about Ellie. hopefully the tubes will take care of the problem. What age do the take tonsils out? We will be praying.
I hope that things are going well for little Ellie and for you.
We will be praying.
I'll be praying for you guys, too! Keep us posted!
My daughter had tubes put in her ears at a very young age, then a couple years later she had the tubes redone and her adenoids removed. We haven't had any problems since. :)
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