Friday, January 02, 2009

Can It Really Be 2009?

Wow! What a whirlwind year this has been!
I have been thinking about what I learned this past year. Here are some things I have come up with (you can pick and choose, obviously, which posts you want to go back and read):
January - God can speak through others to tell you what you need to hear. Read this for proof.
February - God has provided me with a fantastic husband.
March - Kids tend to mimic just about everything...including giving their toys time-outs.
April - Don't ever expect your second pregnancy, labor or delivery to be like your first...but you can love your second child just as much as your first and in a way that is unique to the individual. Welcome, Eleanor.
May - Research before going just anywhere for a haircut. Although, if you're very brave (or dumb) you can be like me and do the "Recession Special" haircut and do it yourself! (Although when I did this in November it turned out to be my favorite!)
June - I cannot reach perfection. Also, I still think running is dumb.
July - There is spiritual battle all around us.
August - Cloth diapers are not only easy, but very economical. So is making your own baby food. I can't believe I was ever intimidated by these things! Although after trying a couple different kinds, I would highly recommend the BumGenius 3.0 for cloth diapers. It's a one size fits all (6-36 pounds) so you make your upfront investment and never worry about buying diapers again!
September - I don't need a million dollars to be happy....just $400,000. =)
October - Many times God will give you a perfect afternoon that makes up for the day you want to run away. He never gives us more than we can handle, right?
November - God is in control. God is faithful. God provides. There are times when God speaks directly to your heart. I need to keep listening and especially overcome this writer's block.
December - Christmas this year just amazed me. God amazed me. He reminded me of how much He wants to be in relationship with me.

I also was reminded of how important family is all throughout the year. We were blessed to be able to take a trip in Ohio that allowed us to visit with Tim's parents, Randy, Deidra and Wyndham. We took a vacation over Labor Day with my family. We took two trips to Virginia and were able to not only visit with lots of family members (and even meet some!) but stay with Jeremy, Carrie and their kids whom we really have enjoyed being able to spend time with.

It was a year of babies for us: we brought Eleanor into our family. We welcomed Sophia into Randy and Deidra's. Eli joined Matt and Stephani and Emma. Silvia made her appearance into Jack and Kelly's. Our friend, Sara, announced her second pregnancy. I mourned a niece or nephew as my sister miscarried and rejoiced with them at Christmas when they announced their current pregnancy. I checked Lydia's blog for news of Beatrix's birth. I will check Lacey's in a few months for news around her expected little one. We also watched with joy as Matt and Jeana became parents to Emma, the precious girl they have long prayed for and waited to hold. What fun it has been to watch their family adapt and transform.

The internet has brought about friends both new and old. I have reconnected with my old friend, Renee, who I have known for YEARS but didn't stay in touch with after she moved in high school. We stay in close contact now through Facebook and phone. I am so thankful for God bringing her back into my life and for the ways in which she has challenged me. There are college girls that I didn't know well who I feel I have formed blog-relationships with. Just check my side-bar for any number of them! And I have even made new friends through blogging - like Daniella!

Even though I love music but am not musically talented in real life, I can still be a rockstar. =) We spent New Year's Eve at the Lewis' and lost track of time while playing Guitar Hero/Rockstar or Rock Band or whatever the heck it is. I just know it's great fun and, depending on the song and how serious I take it, I can sing well enough for a 90% or bad enough for a 65%. Or I can fail out. But that's ok. Because I'm a rockstar, baby! Plus, I can tear it up on the guitar.

God has blessed us with so much in 2008. We have had our share of difficult times that He has brought us through and taught us during. We have had our share of blessings. He is ever faithful and because of Him and knowing He never leaves us, I welcome 2009.


Pepper Blossom said...

i am looking forward to our blogging relationship growing even more in 2009. thanks again for sharing all you do andrea and i am looking forward to hearing the announcement that your book is coming out :)

daniella said...

Don't know why, but I LOVE this post. Can't wait to get a minute to myself with a cup of tea, and go through the posts I missed before "subscribing" to your blog.

I had no idea you cut your own hair! Crazy, yet inventive, woman you! I'm most definitely tempted to cut my lil mullet that's growing in the back (obviously Chuck takes after me), but I will resist for another two weeks till I see my fab hairdresser sister.