We leave tomorrow morning to spend the rest of the week at my parents' house. I will probably take a break from the internet to enjoy time with family and friends so I just wanted to jump on real quick tonight and wish everyone a wonderful and merry Christmas.
May it be filled with laughter and love.
Remember the true reason we celebrate - not for presents or Santa Claus or an excuse to eat another huge meal with lots of cookies and desserts. Every Christmas morning since I was young the first thing I do when I wake up is sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. I have started this tradition with Noah as well. Take the time to marvel in the precious baby that came to offer us salvation.
I'm looking forward to sharing with you a fun announcement when I return (no - I am not pregnant or moving or any big life change!)
On a side note, the tree we had this year was free from the realtor who we worked with in buying our house. It is my favorite tree that we have ever had and, sadly, because we travel for our holidays we actually took it down tonight. We always have the only tree thrown outside before Christmas day. It's quite pathetic.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you too! Have a safe trip, and leave the Christmas tree up. Why? Because the "12 Days of Christmas" actually start the day of Christmas NOT 12 days preceding Christmas. Yup, a little unknown fact out there. In Europe, Christmas is actually celebrated January 6th...which is the 12th day of Christmas. Seriously, leave it up, that way your house won't feel so barren :-)
Can't wait to hear the new announcement! Although, I might just have a an idea of what it is.
Andrea - Merry Christmas! So...I'm a little behind on our Christmas letters, and yours is one of the ones that will be late. Sorry! Consider it a New Year's letter. I hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas celebrating Jesus' birthday, even though you can't be home with your tree. And I love the idea of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus when you wake up. Last year we started the tradition of making Jesus a birthday cake, which we'll be working on today. Have a safe trip, friend!
By the way, I LOVE your family picture. Beautiful! Who took it for you?
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