Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Old Friends

We have been very busy lately and continue to be until the end of the month. Two weeks ago, my college freshman roommate, Dee, and her husband, Gabe, were visiting GR and popped over for dinner and a visit one night. It was great to see her, as I haven't seen her since I was pregnant with Noah. She made the most adorable outfit for Ellie that I'll hopefully be able to fit on her this fall, if not - winter. I can't wait to sew that well someday...
This past weekend another blast from my past came for an overnight visit with her husband. That was my friend, Renee, who I have known since...I don't know, Renee, how long?...maybe we were four or five? She moved in high school and I had not seen her in a good twelve years or so. It was fantastic to meet her husband and introduce her to my family and just to have face-to-face conversation and not over email, Facebook, etc. It has been fun re-connecting with her and we've had some really good, deep conversations. So that made for a great weekend.
I was looking at the calendar today and from today until the end of the month I have only 4 days with NO writing on them for plans. That's nuts. This weekend is Noah's birthday so my family will be in town. I can't believe my boy is turning 3 already! Where does the time go? And my baby is almost 4 months! She has started turning from back to stomach, at almost the same age Noah did (both at 3 1/2 months) and then she goes into a really good "tummy time" where you can tell she's so proud of herself and enjoying a new view. I'm hoping she really starts to perfect it so she'll start rolling herself onto her belly to sleep at night. I always feel like they sleep better and longer on their tummies. I know everyone my age was a belly sleeper since the pediatricians all said at that time not to put us on our backs to sleep, but how the times have changed. They even remind you on the diapers: Back to Sleep. So my mother-guilt kicks in every time I even think about the idea of putting her on her belly to sleep. That is why I get excited when she can roll and do it herself.
Noah asks every day if he can go to school yet. It's hard to explain that long amount of time to a little kid. He gets his backpack out and wears it around. Sometimes he calls it his "Rescue Pack" thanks to Go Diego Go! Diego has become his hero, as well as dinosaurs. No two things could make him happier. I think his dream moment would be if I let him eat cookies or ice cream while watching Diego surrounded by his dinosaurs. That one has yet to happen. Keep dreaming, little man.
Ellie eats for the last time at 7:30 and sleeps until 7:30 the next morning (Hallelujah!) She takes a morning and afternoon nap, as well as a short power nap in the late afternoon. Since she is on a schedule, I have been able to spend more regular time with Noah and that has helped his attitude and behavior overall since Ellie's birth. Things here have settled into a good routine, although the pooping on the potty is still an issue. Advice, anyone? Yesterday he told me he was scared to poop on the potty and he told Tim it hurt to poop on the potty. His 3 year well child checkup is in a couple weeks.
At the end of the month (Labor Day weekend) we are travelling waaaay up north to Iron Mountain area to visit my great-grandma. My whole family is going so it should be fun. My parents have always wanted us to all go on a trip together. I haven't seen my great-grandma since high school so it will be great to see her again. She's a pistol of a woman. When the Secretary of State punched a hole in her license and told her she couldn't drive anymore due to eyesight, she covered the hole with a smiley-face sticker and kept on driving. She doesn't drive anymore, though, thank God.
At the end of September we'll be heading down to Tennessee (hopefully, although plans are still in the works) to attend the wedding of a friend of Tim's from his days as a counselor at Doe River Gorge. Peter still keeps in contact with Tim's sister and her family and has actually settled back down in the area so we are excited for the opportunity to see him again, attend the wedding, and see Kristen, David and our nephews!
October brings about another wedding - this one I'm in and it's for my cousin. It's in Toledo and is outside so hopefully the weather cooperates. Our dresses are really pretty, I should probably get on the ball and order mine...
Well, that's all for Catch Up with the Rosses this week. Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Your great-grandma sounds like a fun lady! Sassy!!! :)
As for the poop...here we go with the blunt mommy talk: are you sure it really isn't hurting him? Is it possible he may need something to help soften it? Prunes (yum) or something that will help him go? If it is a fear issue, not pushing him to do it may help, but may also make him just hold it more...it's so hard to deal with this issue in potty training! :( Have you read "Everybody Poops" to him? :) Now this may be TMI, but you asked...has he watched you go? Sometimes if they see someone else do it and not make a big deal out of it, it helps them ease up a little. Now I'm not saying I'VE ever done that...lol. ;)
Hang in there...and happy traveling!! :)