2. Walking the Boardwalk - This past Tuesday night was our first chance to get down to the boardwalk in Grand Haven. There were a lot of people down there and everything seemed to scream "Yea for summer!" We had dinner beforehand at K2 with the Lewises and then we all met up with the Troasts for a leisurely stroll. Tim doesn't know it yet but I think I'm going to suggest another walk to him tonight. I don't think he'll argue since he loves it as much as me.
3. The FARMERS MARKET! - We love Farmers Markets. And we're surrounded by 4 different ones which makes it even better. There is one in Muskegon, Grand Haven, Spring Lake and an organic only one in Muskegon as well. Today was my first visit for 2008. Tim, sadly, has to work today while they are pushing hard to get a house finished by a certain date, so I ventured down to the Grand Haven one by myself with the kids. It went better than I expected since I put Noah in the stroller and Ellie in the Baby Bjorn (thank God for those!) We picked up some asparagus, strawberries, seedless blackberry jam, sugar peas, a tomato and chocolate covered blueberries (they are GOOD!) I actually don't like asparagus but Tim does so I figure I'll use them tomorrow as a side dish to a Father's Day meal which I think is going to be Cowboy Burgers from the Kraft Food & Family magazine. The strawberries were about a dollar more than what they are at Meijer BUT I feel good buying locally (go Visser Farms!) and their taste really is better, very juicy and fresh.
4. Onesies, shorts, and semi-naked kiddos - By September I can't wait to break out our sweatshirts, sweaters and jeans but at the beginning of summer I have always loved seeing Noah naked but for a diaper (which will hopefully be replaced by undies quite soon.) He wants to wear shorts all the time now even if it's cold and rainy. I can get him to compromise by at least wearing a sweatshirt or jacket. Ellie pretty much lives in onesies now except for church when I can put cute little dresses on her.

I just love how everything in summer is more laid back. I also enjoy that we tend to eat healthier (thanks to the Farmers Market), spend more time outside (thanks to the warmer weather and sun), and visit more with others. This summer we look forward to watching Emma Rain grow in her new family and surroundings. Things have gone pretty well for her first week in a completely new place. We got to meet her last Saturday and while she is still quite shy, she is a beautiful girl and seemed pretty interested in Ellie. I guess babies have that effect on people.

Noah and I had a funny moment this week. We were playing in his room when from the corner of my eye I saw something out the window. When I turned to look there were 2 wild turkeys staring at us from outside the window! Noah climbed onto his bed to get a better look out the window and the turkeys' heads moved whichever direction he did. I ran to get the camera but when I came back Noah had scared them off by yelling at them and banging on the window. I did get a picture of them walking out of our yard though. Although funny, it was kind of creepy. Turkeys are ugly and can get mean.
Have a great summer!
How is potty training going?
I love summer too! I have to agree with all of your favorite things about summer.
Luke wanted to know when Noah is coming to play. We told him maybe sometime soon.
Oooh... I am so envious of the walk to the boardwalk. My grandparents have a cottage in GH, so in the summers, I pretty much grew up there! I just love it there, and I love that you get to live there! It's always been a dream of mine... we may get up there later this summer, we will let you know if we do:)
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