Me and my sisters-in-law, Deidra and Kristen

Tim introducing our Ellie to the woman she was named after, Grandma Eleanor. There were a couple moments over the weekend that felt like they were out of "The Godfather." This was one because it was like we were presenting her to the family matriarch for a blessing or something.

Ellie wearing a dress for the first time.

The ringbearer and flower girl: Carter and Anna.

Randy and Deidra were the wedding singers. Deidra sang Sara Groves' "Fly" and Randy sang "Beautiful" by Shawn McDonald.

The bride and groom, Heather and Brian.

Celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary!
Tim and Noah riding in style with Jeremy and Brooklyn; you can see Wyndham and Holland in the back.

The 3 E's: Nicknamed Big E, Little E and Baby E (or, Grandma Eleanor, Aunt Ellie and our Ellie.)
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