Monday, October 08, 2007

This is October?!

I can't believe it's already October. I can't believe it's in the 80's for weather.
Saturday we attended Family Day for Cornerstone University's Alumni weekend. There wasn't much for Noah's age, besides sidewalk chalk, which is only fun for so long. If we had been without children, or have older children, it would have been more fun in terms of things to do. So we drew with some sidewalk chalk, visited with people that we haven't seen since our college days, and had lunch on campus. After lunch, I dropped Noah off at Scott & Jen's (thanks again, Jen!) They baby-sat him so that I could watch Tim play in the Alumni soccer game. He did so well! He played soccer his first year at Cornerstone, but I didn't know who he was at that time, so when I watched the games, I was never watching him. Therefore, it was fun to watch him actually play with guys that he used to. The weather was unbearable. We were dripping in sweat just sitting in the bleachers watching. We felt so sorry for the players! They played for about an hour straight with a brief 3 minute half-time and no water provided on the sidelines, as well as no subs to relieve them. Yet Tim loved every minute of it and wants to start playing every year.
Yesterday, we worked up a sweat again while cleaning out the mini-van. Actually, Tim did most of the cleaning while I supervised Noah playing in the yard, but I did help out a bit where I could. We now have a sparkling vehicle, just like new! It's actually probably a good thing to do if you are ever get the itch to get a new car. Just clean out the one you have, wash the inside of the windows, vacuum everything, dust it, clean out the trash and voila! New car, or at least a looks-like-new-car.
Over the weekend Tim and I spent some time online at and listening to recent broadcasts. We listened to a very funny one by Dennis Swanburg, who is a pastor and could pass as a comedian easily. That was on Focus on the Family's website. We also listened to a marriage-related broadcast by Tommy Nelson on FamilyLife today. We made a note of some others we would like to listen to. I would suggest taking some time to check out the websites as well.
Tonight is our small group and afterwards we head over to Matt and Jeana's. Jeana and I are going to be working on sewing some Christmas stockings tonight, as well as some potholders and other random projects. It's fun to be crafty.
Our church started a sermon series called "Duets" this month. It's about marriage. It led to a good discussion for Tim and I yesterday after I asked him if he felt like we were singing a duet or if we are out of tune. He said he feels like we are out of tune because of how busy we were last month. It is hard to focus on your marriage when you are going, going, going. We are glad that when we look at October, there is only one Saturday event and the rest is completely open. We even have a whole weekend without Noah coming up in a couple weeks. We are looking forward to that very much. My friend, Rachel, was telling me about how she and her husband spent her birthday just the two of them in Saugatuck and I loved hearing about it. I think it's great when we, as young parents, can leave our children (knowing they are safe with whoever's care we put them in) and can take the time to spend with just one another. It's so easy to let ourselves be defined by our children and overwhelmed with everything in life. It's so necessary to take that time out and go on a date, or even just to stay in and have no interruptions. So this month Tim and I will be working on our harmonizing.
I am looking forward to Wednesday and what is forecast as 57 degrees. I will be finally breaking out and putting up my fall decorations. This, hopefully, is the last of our summer.

1 comment:

Lindsy said...

I feel your pain with the hot, sweaty and humid weather ~ we were was MISERABLE!
Sounds like you guys had a blast inspite of the weather :o)