When I was in labor with Noah, we were of course anticipating what he would look like. As I was pushing Tim and I were throwing in our differing opinions of how much hair he would have. Tim said, "Little hair and light brown." I said, "Massive amounts of dark hair" because that's what I had. He came out pretty bald and what little he did have was strawberry blond.

I don't know exactly when it happened, but it seemed like we looked at him last fall and suddenly he had hair. We trimmed it up a couple times, but it grows so fast! Recently we looked at him and found that a mullet had made its home atop his head. If you look closely, you can see it taking over the back of his neck.
Today we decided the mullet had to go. It was starting to grow over his ears and I almost put it into a ponytail. Noah had his first big boy haircut. Tim buzzed it off.

Surprisingly, Noah did very well with the clippers. We set his high chair in front of the television and put on a Baby Einstein video. Baby Einstein always seems to do the trick. Thank God for Julie Aigner-Clark and creating that one.

We put some gel in it for the fun of it. Now I have a little punk rocker. Actually, I doubt this will be a daily thing for him. I can't believe how fast he is growing! He loves to brush his teeth.
It's hard to belive that 17 months ago, he was this small. This little boy I am holding is Leighton and he is the son of a good friend of mine. We had a little "welcome Leighton" party over the weekend. He is 6 weeks old now. We had a party scheduled at the beginning of February, but had to postpone because we ended up having a blizzard that day. It was nice to hold a snuggly baby again...although I still feel no desire to give birth to any more.
Today I met the boys I'm going to be baby-sitting for. They are good kids and I am looking forward to it. Noah got along great with them, although he was pretty jealous whenever I held Ben, the 9 month old. I think this will be a good experience for him. Pray for me!
1 comment:
Amazing how having kids turns you into a baby magnet. I now just love them. I have a young one with hair issues presently. He is 19 or 20 mos and hasn't had it cut yet. My friend calls him surfer dude. I think it is time too.
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