This rocking chair, though it looks plain, is probably one of my most treasured possessions. It is the same rocking chair that my grandma Nelson used to rock my dad and aunt and uncles in when they were born.
My grandmother passed away in August 2004. She had fought emphysema for years after being a lifelong smoker. She received a lung transplant while I was in high school and lived much longer than the doctors expected. I cannot describe how close I was to my grandma. Since I was just weeks old I had stayed nights at her house so my parents could have a date or a break. My sister, cousin, and I used to love sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
I am thankful that my grandma could be at my wedding. I am sad because I will be the only grandchild whose wedding she could attend. She was too sick to attend my sister's but it was at least filmed for her to watch. I am thankful that I had so many good years with her before the emphysema started taking her. I love her and how involved she was in my life.
I am excited because we are planning a visit sometime after Easter to visit Tim's grandmother. She is the only grandparent of his still living and I am thankful that we are going to take the opportunity to visit her. I think that the more involved we become with our own familes, the more we tend to forget our grandparents, unfortunately. Take the time to let someone in your family know how much they are thought of and loved.
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