Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't Know Much Biology...

While taking a moment to lie down on the bench rocker on our back deck to soak up some Vitamin D, I closed my eyes and hoped for a little catnap while the younger boys slept.  A moment later, I could feel several small spasms/twitches along the inner side of my right foot.  I opened my eyes and found that every time I felt a spasm, my big toe jerked to the side. 
It's one of those surreal moments, really.  I'm looking at my toe moving about in an obvious manner, but not actually initiating the movement by thought.  It reminded me why I am constantly amazed by the human body.
I've always been a little bit of a nerd about the body and started college as a Biology major.  The only problems were that (a) I had no interest in Chemistry or desire to sit through science classes like that, and (b) I had no idea what I wanted to do upon graduating with a Biology degree.  So I switched to Communication Arts, which is an entirely different story.  One memory that sticks in my head is from junior high.  I was walking down the hall with my friend, Karen, and out of nowhere said, "Isn't it so cool the way we just walk without even thinking about it?  I mean, our legs are just moving right now but we don't actually have to think about making them move - we just walk."  To which she responded with a look that read, "You're losing your mind" and the subject was dropped. 

Our household has started seeing a chiropractor recently.  I've been wanting to see one for awhile but was just kind of lazy about doing it.  Finally, I got on the ball and found one in our area who met the requirements we had (we were looking for someone who does nutritional stuff as well.)  I am so glad we have started going!
Tim's job as a painter means that Dr. Levi has his work cut out for him.  He has some issues, which makes sense if you think about the movements and strain his body is experiencing throughout the day.  I had some minor things that needed adjustments and, thankfully, am almost into the maintenance mode.  Ellie and Zeke were probably the least concerns - although I will say this: Zeke is 17 months old today and not walking.  He would stand for small amounts of time on his own, and walk holding your fingers and around furniture or behind a push toy, but would not try it by himself.  He's had 2 appointments and at yesterday's, Dr. Levi mentioned his right hip being a bit locked up and did a couple adjustments.  Since then, he has been standing on his own for long amounts of time and even, after pulling himself up next to the toilet last night after his bath, looked at us and smiled before letting go and taking 4 or 5 steps across the bathroom.  Coincidence?  Possibly, but the timing sure was interesting. 
Noah's lower back was very locked up and contained lots of tension.  I was asked if he has bathroom issues (which he does) and the connection was explained.  He also told Noah that he should have less problems running and being active.  Again, this was interesting to me because there are many times Noah wants to be active and do something - soccer, running, baseball, but then when he actually tries it...he ends up wanting to quit minutes later and does not like it. He really only enjoys riding his bike for activity.  Maybe a connection?  He hasn't tried going for a run or anything since - and he's only had 2 visits - but it will be interesting to see what he says or if it feels easier for him.
And Caleb.  He's up there with Tim on needing more work than the rest of us.  Caleb's birth can be described as a Traumatic Birth Experience because the doctor ended up using the vacuum suction to help him out.  My mom, over the last couple years, has wanted me to take him to a chiropractor or a massage therapist who does cranial sacral work to see if it would help since he's had physical and speech delays.  I never got around to doing it, but now he has it done at his chiropractor appointments.  He's sleeping better at night as a result and we're seeing improvements in him each week, although there is still work to be done.
When I started writing this, I didn't expect to go into all that!  I think I'm just kind of surprised at how much improvement we've felt in our bodies once they started being realigned to what they need to be.  Yet, I don't know why I am because when I stop to think about it, it makes perfect sense why our bodies would function better when things are closer to the way they were created to be.

So if you have a moment today, stop and marvel at the human body and the way God creates us.  We have all these nerves and muscles and organs that create this house for our souls.  Most of the time we move throughout the day, not even really thinking about what our body is actually doing or enduring. 
I know this Scripture can seem like it's on everything at times - especially if it's baby related - but I think it really does fit this post:

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works,
my soul knows it very well."
-Psalm 139:14