Friday, April 19, 2013

She will move mountains

(Ear) Tubing
Coloring while waiting

Happy 5th birthday to our lovely Eleanor Lee!
The years have gone quickly with you and I can't believe how you have grown.
You are full of spunk, life, laughter, love, a sensitive heart, a mothering touch, a strong will, a free spirit, and lots of fun.  
We are so very blessed to have you and look forward to watching you continue to grow over the years. 
Your name means "light" and we pray you will be a light shining for the Lord in an often dark world.
We love you dearly, Peanut!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Praying Circles

I have tried to read a couple Mark Batterson books in the past.  A few years ago, I picked up "In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day" and got a few pages in.  A couple years ago I tried to read "Radical" and was enjoying it a few a pages in.  I never made it far into either of them.  No offense, Mr. Batterson, if you ever happen to read this.  I think I probably abandoned them for novels I could lose myself in during my brief moments of Mommy-Free-Time. 
Had "The Circle Maker" not come recommended to me by a close friend, and then by my mom, I wouldn't have even picked it up.  I am SO GLAD I did!  It took me about a week to read it.  I was doing so much underlining and jotting notes in the margins, that it took me longer than usual to read a book.  I also didn't want to rush through it but really soak in the words I was reading. 
There were so many verses and stories that really spoke to my heart and I think that last week was the perfect time for me to read this.  I won't give details because I think you should go out and read it yourself.  You won't be disappointed.  

Monday, April 08, 2013

Mumblings on a Monday

I took last week off blogging since we had our own version of Spring Break.  I spent the week making changes to our homeschool schedule and laying out the next two months.  I really want to finish the year strong and I'm excited about what we have planned.

Ellie went to my parents' house to visit for the weekend.  Our household was very mellow and quiet, even with 3 boys.  She is definitely the joie de vivre of our home.

God is up to a lot here.  I'm not ready to share details yet, but I will just say that we are continuing to grow and be stretched.  Through it all, God is good and is showing us ways that He remains our true Provider, Jehovah Jireh.  Thank You, Lord.

I finished a book over the weekend called "The Circle Maker" by Mark Batterson.  It was a great read and I would highly, highly recommend it.  We're circling some prayers and dreams like Jericho here.

Last week, Tim and I watched a BBC production called "North and South."  It was set during the Industrial Revolution in England.  I wish during high school and college I had the appreciation for history that I do now.  Tonight we are starting another one called "Wives and Daughters."

We have some friends who have chickens and are selling eggs.  We've started buying our eggs from them because the price is good and we can actually see the chickens and their environment.  We stopped at their house this afternoon to check out the addition they're putting on the house.  They have a son who is the same age as Noah and he enjoyed showing Noah the chickens.  They spent a good portion of our visit holding the new chicks they recently purchased.  We came home with some farm fresh eggs that their son had gathered while we were there.  Can I just say I love buying my food like that?  I do.

It was a good, rest-filled weekend overall...always a nice way to start the week. 

Sunday, April 07, 2013

A New Season Coming

"For behold, the winter is past;
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth,
the time of singing has come,
and the voice of the turtledove
is heard in our land."

~Song of Solomon 2:11-12