Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It is quiet in the house tonight. Noah and Tim are at AWANA. I am home with a tired Caleb, a just-shy-of-healthy Eleanor, and Ezekiel, who is napping before his next feeding.
The living room is dimly lit, just enough to read and write without straining eyes. In the dining room, a candle burns bright in the middle of the table. Bon Iver's music is softly streaming from the kitchen.
It is late February and at almost 7:00 it is not quite dark yet, a wonderful sneak peek of longer - and warmer - days just around the corner.
The scene is ideal, isn't it? Why? This is not what our home was like just two hours ago. At that time, the kids were noisily chasing each other through the house while i tried to tell Ellie to lay on the couch and rest. Tim was trying to calm a crying 10-week-old who knew it was time for his dinner as I stood in the kitchen preparing plates of food and thanking God for meals that only need to be re-heated from the freezer.
The opposite of now.
I think that to have that peace and quiet in the midst of, or following, chaos is important. It allows our brains to think without multitasking. It lets our bodies sit and rest after a day of what feels like non-stop movement. It is a moment we can grasp to enjoy a hobby without feeling guilty for it.
Take time to rest.
To refill.
To listen to God.
Be silent.

"And he said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat." -Mark 6:31

Thursday, February 09, 2012


Have you ever noticed how things seem brighter with the sun?
I noticed this one day while I was folding laundry. Folding laundry is such a chore for me. When the days are gray and dreary and seem hopeless, I let the piles of clean clothes sit in our bedroom and ignore them. But with the sun, well, that's another story. Suddenly, I can tackle the chores and even be cheerful in doing it.
Walking around, I notice that our house is overall more pleasant in the presence of the sun. The kids seem to play better, their parents refreshed, and joy fills the home. Warmth. Light. Ah, the sun.
I love the sun. I love the way it drives out the dreary from our home, from our attitudes. I love the boost it gives on days that could otherwise feel hopeless. I love the way the sun causes rebirth and growth and new life - Spring!
I feel I can tackle just about anything on a day I open my eyes and see the sun.

Have you ever noticed how things seem brighter with the SON?
I noticed this one day while I was folding laundry. Folding laundry is such a chore for me. When the days are gray and dreary and seem hopeless, I let the piles of clean clothes sit in our bedroom and ignore them. But with the SON, well, that's another story. Suddenly, I can tackle the chores and even be cheerful in doing it.
Walking around, I notice that our house is overall more pleasant in the presence of the SON. The kids seem to play better, their parents refreshed and joy fills the home. Warmth. Light. Ah, the SON.
I love the SON. I love the way HE drives out the dreary from our home, from our attitudes. I love the boost HE gives on days that could otherwise feel hopeless. I love the way the SON causes rebirth and growth and new life - Spring!
I feel I can tackle just about anything on a day I open my eyes and see the SON.

"Whatever you do, do heartily, as for the Lord and not for men." -Colossians 3:23
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13