Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We went to the Jelly Belly Factory in Wisconsin on Friday. It rained/stormed most of the day so we found inside things to do. We were able to try lots of yummy samples after the tour and buy some huge bags of fruit snacks and jelly bellies for super cheap prices. Deidra bought a little bag of the "bean boozled" flavors so I was also able to try "baby wipes" later that night. Ick, although it tasted how I imagined it would. I also had toothpaste, but that just made me feel like I had just finished brushing my teeth.
The next day was sunny and hot. Deidra and I kicked off the morning with a trip to Old Navy to hit their $2 tank tops sale. We were also armed with 15% off coupons so I scored 5 tank tops (some for me and some for Ellie) for $8.50! And we were in need of some with how unexpectedly warm it was that day. was wrong in their forecast for our time away so I felt fairly unprepared when we actually got there. We went to a playground/splash area near their house. It was fun, although Ellie wasn't really into it. She ended up falling asleep on a towel in some shade instead. The backs of my shoulders burned and finally started feeling better today.
That night we hired a baby-sitter and went out on a double date. We headed into Highland Park in hopes of hitting the Anthropologie store (which I've always wanted to visit) and were bummed to find out it closed about two minutes before we pulled into the parking lot. Oh, well, maybe next time. Instead, we drove on to find a Frank Lloyd Wright house and also found a second one we weren't expecting to find. We also drove by the house where they filmed the scene from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" with the nice car and how it falls through the windows, etc. We ended at Border's and had some free drinks thanks to some coupons Deidra had. I'm glad they included non-coffee drinks since I'm not a coffee drinker but the fruit smoothie type one I had was deeeelicious. We came back and watched a John Piper sermon (during which Tim fell asleep about 5 minutes into it) and then debated predestination/free will. Randy thinks we go to heaven based on predestination; I disagree. I will tell you this, though: Tim and I are not late night people. Randy and Deidra are. With the time difference added into it, it made it hard for Tim and I to function by the end. Here is my advice: Don't start theological discussions/debates late at night if you are not a late-night person. My brain felt like mush and I couldn't think straight.
We left after church the next day and headed to Indiana to visit our friends, Jack and Kelly. We got there around dinner time and it was great to see them. After cleaning up from dinner, we wives excused our husbands to go to a coffee shop Jack was wanting to show Tim and they were able to end their Father's Day away from the kiddos and have some time to catch up which also gave Kelly and I a chance to chat.
Kelly has been one of my closest friends since our freshman year of college and she is so dear to me. I think that when we are together, we are very raw and honest with each other and the struggles/high points we are going through in life. We can cry together, laugh together and relate to just about every thing - especially having sons close in age and daughters even closer in age.
We went to Monkey Joe's the next day which was a really fun place and the kids loved it. After nap time the weather was insanely hot and the only way anyone really wanted to go outside was if the sprinklers were on. After dinner Kelly, who is a helper in Vacation Bible School at her church this week, took Owen and Noah to the first night of VBS. They didn't get home until 9:00 and Noah was talking non-stop about it. I'm going to be calling a church in our area this week to see if he can attend their's. He has a preschool friend who is going to be there and the mom was asking if I would be willing to bring Noah, too. The only problem is that it starts at 4 years old so I have to see if Noah could slide in still (when it is going on, he will have less than a month until his 4th birthday.) Our church doesn't have VBS and, based on Monday night, I think he'll love it.
Kelly and I escaped Tuesday morning and went to the mall to walk around a bit and get some time away. We left after lunch and got home around dinner time last night. And that was our vacation.
Tim is off work until Monday, however, so today began our "staycation" in which we will be doing projects around the house (Tim is upstairs painting right now) and hitting the Spring Lake beach (which is where we went earlier and had a picnic lunch.) The water in Spring Lake is so much warmer than Lake Michigan. It felt wonderful earlier. Even Ellie loved being in it (finally!)
I hope everyone else is able to get some time to relax and play, whether at home or away (didn't mean to rhyme that one...)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Avett Brothers - folk; my childhood friend, Rachel, introduced us to their music. This is one of our favorite songs. Tim said it reminds him of him and his brother.
Matisyahu - I remember seeing him on a news morning show back in college but it wasn't until a few years ago that Tim heard of him from our friend Matt and was instantly a big fan. Ever heard a Jewish reggae artist? Most of his songs have a Biblical/Old Testament base to them, lots about the qualities of GOd.
Sondre Lerche - The past couple times I have been to visit my friend, Rachel B., she has had the Dan in Real Life soundtrack playing. I found it for cheap when Circuit City was going out of business and snatched it up. Love it! The embedding is disabled on most of his videos so you can check out a couple of our non-soundtrack favorites by clicking here for "Phantom Punch" or here for "Two-Way Monologue."
Sufjan Stevens - I have had his CD, Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lakes State for a few years now but just broke it out and started listening to it again recently. His music is different so not everyone enjoys it but, hey, most music is like that. Though not under a Christian label, many of his songs have the Christian undertone. David Crowder remade his song "Oh, God, Where are You Now?" I love that on this CD all the songs are about Michigan towns (it's his homestate) and have titles like the video below "For the Widows in Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti" or "Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! Rebuild, Restore, Reconsider."
Katie Herzig - I found her album Apple Tree on Derek Webb's free music download site Noise Trade. I think there is something about her voice that keeps us listening to it.
Fiction Family - I waited almost two years for this CD to come out, since I first heard rumor of Jon Foreman from Switchfoot and Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek teaming up. It delivered everything I hoped it would. I hope I don't have to wait two years for the next.
Tim has also been listening to the new Mat Kearney CD along with Tenth Avenue North and really likes both of those.
Anyone else have music sugestions?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Pictures & Updates!

Tim removing the dead tree (we're really sad it was dead since in our minds it would have been pretty.)
To put our garden where it would get the most amount of sun it needed, we had to dig up a bush that was sitting there. Tim put it where the weeping cherry had been and it looks great now!
Tim's baby - I mean, garden.
Ellie wore her first real pigtails to church on Sunday. I know they pretty much look like two posts coming out of the sides of her head, but we're working with what we have here.
Boxes can be such fun. Noah takes driving his "car" quite seriously, while people need to watch out for Ellie on the road. Their "house" is in the background.
We went to the Muskegon Farmers Market last Saturday and then followed with a quick (and chilly!) trip to the playground at Pier Marquette. Noah kept saying, "The sun is closing my eyes!"
We have been baking a lot around here. Well, not so much Tim, but me and my "helper", Noah. Here is some dough for our Hearty Whole Wheat bread. It made 2 loaves and was delicious. There is something about kneading dough that is soothing for me.
And while Tim handles the reins of the garden project, mine is our bedroom. We haven't done a thing with it since we moved in a year ago and this summer I am slowly making changes (as time and finances allow) to make it a bit more of a bedroom for us. Here is the first "before."
And here is the first "after" - first as in this is the only thing I've done so far. I really wanted to lighten the room up for summer so I thought I would make my own duvet cover and pillow slipcovers to save money. While looking for different fabrics and topsheets to construct a duvet cover, I ended up finding a Tommy Hilfiger duvet cover for $1.99!! It's the perfect neutral color so I can change up accents often. I then found the fabric on a great sale at Field's Fabrics the same day and made up my slipcovers. So the bed has been re-done for a total of $11.00 and I have leftover fabric. My mom asked me during a phone call to describe the pattern of the pillows and I told her it was what you would find on the lanai of a retired Florida couple...but I LOVE it.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
My Story
When I was 5 years old, I became a Christian. I have a detailed memory of playing in our basement and suddenly dropping to my knees and telling Jesus that I believed in Him and wanted Him to come live in my heart. I believed God sat on the clouds and wrote my prayers down in a little notebook He had. Everyone had their own prayer notebook that He kept.
Growing up, I knew right from wrong, although that's not to say I always followed it. In high school I was called a hypocrite often. I didn't drink or smoke or do drugs, but I gossipped, judged others and had very physical relationships. Looking back, I can see how hypocritical I truly was. Don't you just want to kick yourself for things you did as a teenager sometimes? I do.
In college, my faith grew a bit because I wasn't in my home church and I was trying to "discover" God for myself. I was finding friends who were challenging me and helping me grow in life. They are so dear to me now as we have been with each other through life's turns and obstacles, always coming out stronger than when we went in.
I still knew right from wrong, and was actually following it a bit more, but I wouldn't say God was the center of my life even then. Through marriage and, especially the birth of my children, He started to pull me toward Him more.
Fear and anxiety are strong fighters, though, and they liked first place in me. I am, by genetics, a worrier. Anxiety attacks kept me from sleeping well. I could make up a horrible situatino for anything. I pictured cops showing up at my door to tell me Tim was dead. I thought of Noah falling down a flight of stairs and breaking his neck, or being kidnapped. I imagined Ellie dying of SIDS or being smothered by her big brother "hugging" her. I let these fears and pictures play over and again in my head and they ran my life and my body. If you have never had an anxiety attack, they feel a bit like a heart attack. Racing heart, pain through the left arm, shortness of breath. I actually went into Urgent Care when I had my first one. They put me on anti-depressants for a couple months (until I decided to stop them cold turkey - not wise.) Apparently anti-depressants are the only treatment for anxiety.
Tim sure is a trooper. He deserves an award.
Then this past December I heard a song from Sara Groves' Christmas album called "It's True." You can listen to it here. The chorus always gets me:
It's true
Kingdoms and crowns
The God who came down to find you
It's true
Angels on high
Sing through the night
I remember crying the first, well, almost every time I listen to it. I have always known that God cares for me but it really hit me at that moment. God cares for me. He loves me so much He came down to find me. When I can't even love myself, God still does. Does this thought blow anyone else's mind when they think about it?
That's when I felt a stirring in my heart but didn't know exactly where it was going to go. I started reading my Bible more and we started in a small group working their way through the book of John. It was so refreshing to really dig into God's Word and discuss it with others. I started listening to pastor's programs on the radio, such as Truth for Life with Alistair Begg, Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram, Walk in the Word and Revive our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
Then our friend, Matt Nash, gave us the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan, who I'm sure you're tired of hearing about on my blog but too bad.
It's my blog. =)
I was hooked from the Preface on as Francis Chan challenges the readers. The second chapter is called "You Might Not Finish This Chapter." It helped to crush my fear and anxiety, leaving that first place in my life and heart open for the Lord. Chan gave Scripture after Scripture that dealt with worry and anxiety and fear. It's a sin. A serious one, too, because it takes our trust away from God. My friend, Rachel, pointed me to Philippians 4 a long time ago and called it "The Mental Health Chapter." So true. When I start to worry even a little, I immediately try to recall that passage. I don't know it word for word, but enough to remind me where my trust and hope needs to be.
I felt myself starting to change- and for the better!- as Tim will tell you. About a month ago we were talking about it and I told him that I feel as if I'm coming to know God for the first time. He told me it's not uncommon for many people to fall away through the years and have God call them back.
This change, however, is also what's been challenging the things I listen to, read and watch. The post a couple below was not to make anyone feel judged or guilty for what they may watch, but to just bring up a point that I've been convicted with. Tim and I joke about how much more conservative we've been feeling, along with our craving for expository preaching/teaching.
My old friend, Renee - not old in years but in that I've known her for years, since we were around the age of three I think - gave us a Third Day CD last summer after she and her husband stayed a night with us. On it is a song called "Born Again" and I'm going to leave you with the video that has the lyrics because the song sums up what I've been through in recent months.
Below that video is a song from Brandon Heath called "I'm Not Who I was" because, praise God!, I'm not the same girl I was 15, 10 or even 2 years ago.
If you have a blog I would encourage you to post your story, your "Salvation Story." I, for one, would love to read it! If you don't have a story but would like to start one with God as the author, please email me at I would love for you to know the peace that the Lord has brought to my life.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Are You Captive?
Hmmm, right? Where am I going with this one?
Lately I have been thinking about entertainment. What I watch, what I listen to, what I read, etc. What goes into my mind and subconscious, whether I'm intentionally and intensely paying attention to it or even just having it on for "background noise?"
I'm sure to offend some of you with the following thoughts, but I am just trying to make you think here.
We don't have television, which I know I have mentioned on here before. We use our computer to watch movies as well as shows that are online. The amount of tv we have watched has gone down drastically because of this. Then, by choice, it has dwindled even more. We have wrestled with ourselves and each other as we wade through this process of deciding what is good for us to watch and what we should cut out.
Thankfully, "Scrubs" is now done because I don't think I could continue watching that in good conscience and we only have one more season of "Lost" left (and that doesn't even start again until January 2010!) We could drop "House" and not have it make a difference but I don't know if Tim can give up "Fringe." He likes the sci-fi X-Files-ishness to it (did that make sense?) I, on the other hand, usually read while he watches it because it tends to leave me with bad dreams at times.
That leaves "Wipeout" which is just a summer show. A funny one at that, although I think it was better last year. This season people know about the different events ("the big balls", "the sweeper", etc.) and they WANT to do it still to conquer it.
How about them movies?
We don't watch them much anymore and they have to come recommended by certain people for us to see them.
I guess I'm becoming more challenged to be aware of what I'm taking in. I don't want to just sit on the couch at night and "veg out" to a show that contains half-naked girls, people sleeping around, sex jokes, drugs, alcohol is fun and other ideas that leave me feeling like I wasted a half-hour or more of my time.
I also am not big on reality shows anymore. Oh, there was a time when I was...until just a couple years ago. But now I can't stand the thought of "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" and how pathetic these people look by thinking they're going to find their true love on a television show. I hate that on "American Idol" the producers pass the untalented people on through to the judges so that they can make entertainment out of it. I hate thinking what that does to the people who actually think they have some talent and they've been encouraged! And we all sit at home thinking, "Wow, they really thought they were good?!" Well, who can blame them for getting their hopes up if they've been encouraged on to another round.
And this whole "Jon & Kate Plus 8" drama...goodnight! Tim and I watched a few episodes this past year for the first time. I couldn't believe the way Kate treats Jon with such disrespect and as if he was one of the kids. I know that some of it can seem worse due to editing but, if you were watching your own show and didn't agree with the way you were portrayed, wouldn't you say something? Or stop doing the show? Which, in my opinion, is what they need to do. Stop the show. Focus on your marriage then your kids. It's not a hard decision if your priorities are straight. After earning up to $75,000 an episode for a 40 episode season for how many seasons now?, it seems like you would have some money saved up to be able to quit and find a normal job. She's a nurse. They're always in need in the medical field. And he needs to step up and start being a man. OK, so that's my rage on them.
On to the serious stuff.
I heard this said on Focus on the Family a couple weeks ago when they were doing the movie reviews (May 22, 2009.)
"I believe our Lord and Savior is not anti-entertainment, but He is very much anti- those types of entertainment that glamorize the very things that He died on the cross to save us from."
Do you think God is pleased with what you're watching on tv? I know He couldn't be with some of the shows Tim and I have watched over the past few years. When I look back, I'm ashamed of some of the things we've wasted time viewing.
Oh, but Andrea, you're being so "righteous" "holier than thou"'re taking the Bible so literally.
This is from an interview with Francis Chan at the end of his book Crazy Love (which you really must read if you haven't...or at least watch or listen to one of his sermons on this website.)
Q: What do you tell people who say that you are taking the Bible too literally?
A: If someone told me that I took the Bible too literally, I would really get them to question their own heart. I would ask them if they really believed that we're not supposed to take it that literally, or if it's the influence of other believers who say we're not supposed to. I like to get people to think for themselves and not just go with the flow. When believers are alone with the Word, they come to the same conclusion that I do.
-p. 185, Crazy Love
I don't think the church in today's culture is challenging believers to discern what is in media. Instead, they are trying to find ways to tie in popular culture to their sermons and series to make the church more appealing to non-believers. They might show clips from movies that someone will then be intrigued by and so they want to see the whole thing. This can lead to the viewing of a movie that could contain images and ideas that are not beneficial to a believer.
I have so many more thoughts in my head that I am still trying to form into words or complete thoughts so I'll just end here.
Think about it, though. Really think about it. When you say, "Oh, I'm so addicted to such-and-such tv show and I could never actually give that up" are you actually being held captive by it? Is it drawing you closer into relationship with Christ or farther from?