While Noah was napping today I noticed that it had started to rain outside. At first I paid it no attention besides thinking about how the weather they had forecast on Sunday for the week sure differed from what was going on outside at the moment. In the kitchen I cut myself a brownie and grabbed a fork from the silverware drawer.
As I started to walk from the kitchen to the couch to relax with my brownie and a book, I felt the pull of the weather leading me to the doors out to the balcony (we are in a second floor apartment.) I couldn't stop myself as I took my brownie out onto the balcony and sat on a chair just out of the rain under the protection of the awning.
I felt the slight chill in the air and drank in the crisp scent that rain brings with it. I marveled at the way the rain collected in puddles at certain points in the pavement in the parking lot. I found the chorus of the song "Grace Like Rain", by Todd Agnew, drifting into my head: "Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me. Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away."
Grace is a funny word to me. I have to admit that the first thing I think of when I hear the word "grace" is my niece. Her middle name is Grace. Then I think of our friends' daughter and her middle name is Grace as well. In fact, I know many little girls carrying the first or middle name of Grace. I think of the word "grace" in terms of ballerinas as well, or someone being graceful, moving with fluid-like motions.
Rarely do I think of God's grace when I hear the word. Today I actually thought about it, though. As I watched the rain fall, I thought of the definition of grace and realized I didn't really know what it meant. I turned to good old Webster, which says grace is "unmerited help given to people by God (as in overcoming temptation); freedom from sin through divine grace." I also looked in our "Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms" (I guess we did keep some books from college.) Their definition states that "Grace is the generous overflow of the love of God the Father toward the Son, Jesus Christ. This love is most clearly demonstrated to humans through God's selfless giving of Jesus to enable people to enter into a loving relationship with God as the Holy Spirit enables them."
Awesome. Grace is beautiful. Whether it is in the form of a young 3 year old child, ballet movements, or God's love overflowing like rain onto us. As I watched the rain fall, I longed to run down into it. I had an overcoming desire to stand in the rain, arms outstretched, face turned upwards, embracing my God's overflowing love for me. His grace. He sends rain to nourish, to wash away dirt, to grow. He sends his grace to nourish, to wash away stains, to grow us.
"Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me.
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away."
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
For some reason...
I saw this as a link from a friend's blog and it just made me laugh. Hope it adds a smile or some silliness to your day!
Friday, July 20, 2007
After a long wait....

The final Harry Potter book comes out at midnight tonight. We will be standing in line at Meijer where they are selling it for only $12.99. You just can't beat $12.99 for a brand new, long awaited hardcover book.
Speaking of books, I have been reading like crazy lately. I have three different books going on right now: "The Circle of Quilters" by Jennifer Chiaverini (it is part of a series called "Elm Creek Quilts" that is very entertaining), "1, 2, 3 Magic" by Dr. Thomas Phalin (our pediatrician recommended it when I asked him about discipline strategies for temper tantrums; it is designed specifically for 2-12 year olds), and a marriage book (because I like to read marriage books, not because our marriage is in trouble.)
Since the start of the summer I have read about 3-4 books a week. I love to read. Even Tim has finished a book this summer (he will admit that it is a big accomplishment for him since he is a slow reader.) I think because we got rid of our TV, we have spent more time reading or catching up on movies. At first it was difficult because we would start to open the entertainment center and then remember there was no television set in there. Now, I don't even give it a second thought. It has been refreshing.
We start our move to Grand Haven in a couple weeks. We take possession on the 1st and I would like to be completely moved in and unpacked by the 10th. It shouldn't be too difficult. We've moved so many times I feel like a somewhat expert.
Big things are happening with Tim's work. They are having a meeting today and we will know some more information after that. Say a prayer for God's guidance for us!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Feeling sentimental...
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore can
Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you.
~Nat King Cole
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you.
~Nat King Cole
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Fourth and Fireworks
Yesterday was July 4th, Independence Day. My sister called this morning and we were talking about how different some holidays feel now that we are grown up, the Fourth being one of them. When we were young, our family always went over to the Westerby's house for a big Barbecue party on the 4th of July. After the parade downtown, of course.
Now that we are older and have families of our own (and I don't live around there anymore) we all celebrate it in our own ways. Tim, Noah, and I went to the parade in Fruitport, as well as a community breakfast there, and grilled out later that afternoon with friends. We ended the night by going to Grand Haven for fireworks. My parents went out to breakfast with my sister and her family and then they went to a movie while my sister, brother-in-law, and niece spent the day at home relaxing.
Where have the big parties gone?
Or maybe it's just the realization that we're not having the big party together as a family. Tim and I have been blessed to spend the holiday with different friends each year, but have been able to celebrate with people all the same. This is just fine with me. My sister is resistant to change. The first year I went to college, she wouldn't even let my parents go get a Christmas tree until I could join them, so we could keep up the family traditions. Once I suggested Christmas at mine and Tim's house and got my head bit off. I think now that she is a parent she is loosening up a bit because she understands more of wanting to start your own family traditions. However, she was saying this morning that she wants to reinstate the big 4th of July cook-outs, so maybe some things come slowly.
I would be lying to say that yesterday I didn't miss my childhood a bit. It was good to go to a smalltown parade, short as it was. It was fun to attend a free community breakfast in an elementary school. Even though we knew no one there, I felt like it was a normal thing for us to do.
We celebrate our independence on the 4th of July. We shoot off fireworks and remember those who have served and are serving to protect our freedoms. As crazy as I think our society is at times, I am thankful to live in America. While celebrating independence from other countries, I was also thankful that we can depend on family and friends around us to walk beside us, pray with us, encourage us, hurt with us, and praise openly our Lord with us.

Tim and Noah await the start of the parade in Fruitport.

Hugs for Noah and Emma.

Now that we are older and have families of our own (and I don't live around there anymore) we all celebrate it in our own ways. Tim, Noah, and I went to the parade in Fruitport, as well as a community breakfast there, and grilled out later that afternoon with friends. We ended the night by going to Grand Haven for fireworks. My parents went out to breakfast with my sister and her family and then they went to a movie while my sister, brother-in-law, and niece spent the day at home relaxing.
Where have the big parties gone?
Or maybe it's just the realization that we're not having the big party together as a family. Tim and I have been blessed to spend the holiday with different friends each year, but have been able to celebrate with people all the same. This is just fine with me. My sister is resistant to change. The first year I went to college, she wouldn't even let my parents go get a Christmas tree until I could join them, so we could keep up the family traditions. Once I suggested Christmas at mine and Tim's house and got my head bit off. I think now that she is a parent she is loosening up a bit because she understands more of wanting to start your own family traditions. However, she was saying this morning that she wants to reinstate the big 4th of July cook-outs, so maybe some things come slowly.
I would be lying to say that yesterday I didn't miss my childhood a bit. It was good to go to a smalltown parade, short as it was. It was fun to attend a free community breakfast in an elementary school. Even though we knew no one there, I felt like it was a normal thing for us to do.
We celebrate our independence on the 4th of July. We shoot off fireworks and remember those who have served and are serving to protect our freedoms. As crazy as I think our society is at times, I am thankful to live in America. While celebrating independence from other countries, I was also thankful that we can depend on family and friends around us to walk beside us, pray with us, encourage us, hurt with us, and praise openly our Lord with us.

Tim and Noah await the start of the parade in Fruitport.

Hugs for Noah and Emma.

Stephani and Me
Emma wasn't so crazy about the fireworks, although afterwards she told us she loved them.

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