It was great to spend some time with Christina. Usually it is us and husbands getting together, or us trying to converse on the phone amidst daily craziness, so it was nice to be able to spend some girl time (and Noah) with each other.
We had a nice weekend. My in-laws had come up from Ohio to attend my niece's birthday party. We were able to visit with them a little bit Saturday after they got in and then after church on Sunday during lunch. Wyndham's party was a fun time. She seemed a bit tired...until she saw her new bike. Fun times.
I am getting more and more excited for May. The first weekend in we are going to the DC area to visit some of Tim's family that we haven't seen in years, some members I have never even had the pleasure of meeting. We're both looking forward to that one. The weekend after that, our friends Jack and Kelly will be coming up from Indiana to stay at Jack's sister's house in Holland. We are going to celebrate the first birthday of their son, Owen. We haven't seen them since November and it will be fun to see how much Owen has grown in that time. The weekend after that we're planning a weekend trip to Chicago (just Tim and I) to celebrate our anniversary. The weekend after that is Memorial weekend and that one is up in the air still until we find out if our friend, Kerin, will be able to come up and visit. Last year, Tim and Noah and I went camping and I would kind of like to do it again, even if the campground is just 3 miles from our apartment. Busy times ahead but each one should be packed with fun.
Things are going well for us. Financially there have been some tough and tight times with Tim not having work for about 3 1/2 weeks within March and April. God has again shown himself faithful in providing for our needs. Not our wants, but He never promises to provide those. We have a shelter over our heads, food in our fridge and cupboards, and clothes on our bodies...so we can't complain. Our marriage, however, is in great shape and we continue to grow closer to one another. We still have felt a great peace regarding Tim turning down the job in Ann Arbor and have not once felt any regret or guilt over it. Praise God for closed doors.
We have had a really good sermon series this month at church. It is called "My Story" and the pastor, Paul, has briefly preached on people from the Bible who have had certain "stories." For instance, the first week was about Paul and his conversion. This past Sunday was about Nehemiah stepping out in faith in God. They show videos from members of the chuch sharing what God has been teaching them in their lives and are doing baptisms. It's been really cool. Something that he said on Sunday really struck me. Paul was sharing a story about how when he gets home from work he can hear the footsteps of his youngest son, Will, running through the house. His wife will say, "I wonder where Will is?" to which Paul will respond, "I don't know. I just got home from work but I guess I should go look for him." He will then begin a search for his son, which he said usually ends quickly because Will giggles and makes noises to give him hints. Paul was saying that Will can run from him but he cannot hide and Paul will catch him. He then related it to our lives. Many of us try to run from God. We are never able to hide from him, however. It is better for us to let Him catch us because when he does He will wrap His arms around us and love on us. What an awesome thought.
If you're looking for some good songs to listen to, check out Hillsong United's "From the Inside Out" and Gateway Church's "07 Revelation Song." They make you want to stop whatever you're doing and raise your hands in worship.